—Yu-Chen Shu
“Learning is an endless road. Keep forward until you give up going anymore”
Current Position:
- Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University: 2015/08~
- Miin Wu School of Computing, National Cheng Kung University (Joint faculty): 2021/08~
Research Interests:
Elliptic Interface Problems, Fast Algorithm, Mathematical Modeling
中華民國專利 I745720: 用於增強體表溫度量測的精確度的系統與方法
中華民國專利 I716083: 敗血症的菌種預測系統與方法
中華民國專利 I716083: 敗血症的菌種預測系統與方法
中華民國專利 I562766: 非侵入式肝纖維化程度評估裝置與方法
中華民國專利 I477259: 非侵入式肝纖維化程度評估系統與方法
中華民國專利 I443319: 超音波測溫系統與方法
Contact Information:
Phone: +886-6-2757575 ext: 65147
Positions held:
- Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Office of Academic Affairs, National Cheng Kung University: 2019/02-2020/07
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University: 2011/08-2015/07